
What It Means & How to Fix It for SJ Marketing LLC


How to Fix The 500 Internal Server Error - DreamHost


Troubleshooting an HTTP 500 internal server error can feel like solving a mystery.

At SJ Marketing LLC, a premier digital marketing agency in Wyoming, USA, we understand the frustration of encountering this error. As a local business specializing in comprehensive marketing solutions, we know how crucial it is to maintain a seamless online presence for your Wyoming-based company.


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To help you troubleshoot the dreaded HTTP 500 internal server error, let’s explore what it means, its most common causes, and potential solutions.


What is an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error?

An HTTP 500 internal server error is a generic error message indicating unexpected server-side issues that don’t fit into existing error codes. These errors are challenging to troubleshoot because various server-side problems can trigger them.


Examples of HTTP 500 Error Pages


HTTP 500 errors are server-side issues, not problems with your computer, browser, or internet connection. You’ll see this error when the server issue doesn’t fit another error code.


Other Common Error Codes

HTTP codes indicate how your web browser and website communicate. Here are some common ones:

Potential Causes of a 500 Internal Server Error

A 500 internal server error typically indicates a general server issue, often a temporary glitch or programming problem. Common causes include:

How an HTTP 500 Error Might Appear

This error can appear in many forms:

How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error

If You’re Trying to Load a Page with a 500 Internal Server Error:


  1. Refresh the page. Sometimes a temporary loading issue is resolved by reloading the page.
  2. Come back later. The website owners might be fixing the issue. Wait a few minutes or up to an hour and try again.
  3. Delete your browser’s cookies. If the error-prone webpage has associated cookies, deleting them might help.
  4. Check “Down for Everyone or Just Me.” This site will tell you if the website is down for everyone or just you.

If the 500 Internal Server Error is on Your Own Website:


  1. Deactivate a plugin or theme. Newly activated software might be conflicting with your server configuration. Deactivate plugins or themes one at a time to identify the cause.
  2. Use WP Debugging. If your site is on WordPress, use this plugin to identify the server issue.
  3. Ensure correct PHP setup. Configure timeout rules or error handling in your script. Check your file and folder permissions.
  4. Check your .htaccess file. Incorrect coding or improper structure can cause errors. Locate and edit this file via a file manager or FTP/SFTP.
  5. Ensure software is installed correctly. Check for failed installations or upgrades and follow the vendor’s instructions to refresh your software.

Last Resort: Ask a Server Administrator for Help

If troubleshooting doesn’t resolve your HTTP 500 error, consult your server’s documentation or contact your service provider for error logs and further assistance. Internal server errors can be frustrating, but with these steps, you can identify and fix the issue.

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